Pretty Pink Wrap Dress

If ever a holiday could double as a spirit animal, Valentine's Day would definitely be mine. Right? I mean, let's just run through the list here: pink, roses, extra romance, gifts, wine, and chocolate. Who wouldn't love this Hallmark holiday? An excuse to get all dolled up and celebrate love, even if that love is for yourself and no one else? I'm on board with it allll the way. 

You wanna know what else I'm on board with? This freaking dress. (I've deemed it my "Galentine's Day" look). Now, I take pink very seriously year-round, but it is practically my mission in the colder months to rock it at every chance I get. It's like a middle finger to the Winter blues. This cold weather is begging me to wrap myself in a blanket cocoon, veg out on the couch, and ditch my plans in order to stay in at any chance I get. Seasonal depression is a very real thing and I have definitely let it affect me in years prior. 

However, this year I feel like I've finally discovered a "hack", if you will. Have you ever felt like maybe the clothes you dress in affect your mood throughout the day? I know that for me at least, if I slap on dark sweat pants and a black t-shirt, my mood is drastically different (no matter what is going on in my day) than if I've put the extra effort in and rocked the pretty pink dress and heels. For me it's a choice in the morning that determines, or helps shift, my mood for the day. 

I've always found that clothing can create self-confidence and joy, if you allow it. 

Everyone has a different color, fabric, or style that they feel comfortable in and that represents their personality to a T. For me, it has always been pink. Ever since I was a little girl growing up in ballet slippers and princess dresses, pink has been the color that I feel most joyful in. It shows my unwavering feminity, and is lighthearted and playful. 

The night that we shot this look, I had been feeling a little rundown after a long day at work, but when I got home I decided to change into this pink wrap dress by WAYF instead of allowing myself to wallow on the couch. I swear that the bright color and sexy slit up the side made me feel 100 times better. After a quick touch-up, I felt ready to tackle the night with champagne in hand.

It was a whopping 30 degrees when Jade and I were shooting outside Anthem House and the wind would not stop blowing up my wrap dress. I felt like Marilyn Monroe but much, much colder. I was twirling in the wind, giggling, and excited about the evening ahead at the Anthem House event. 

Not surprisingly, I was the only one at the event wearing pink (which I secretly LOVE). There's no mistaking that branding, am I right? It was a night complete with champagne, cupcakes, whiskey tastings, and beautiful views of my favorite city from their Premiere Apartments. I had the chance to catch up with my girlfriends and talk about all things fashion related. 

I probably got more compliments in this pink dress at that one event than I had gotten all month prior. Now... verdicts out on whether they just felt bad for me - knowing that I must have frozen on my way to the event. Either way, I felt like a pop of fun in a room of black turtlenecks and Winter boots. 

Jade Nikkole Photography: Website / Facebook / Instagram


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xo Anna Elizabeth